Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stir Crazy Cold

Sitting at a desk in front of a computer behind a cubicle wall all day can drive you mad! Combine that with sub-zero temps in the heart of a January winter in Wisconsin, you can almost go stir-crazy from cabin fever. Although if I actually had a cabin, at least I could snuggle up in front of a fireplace and wrestle with my dog (in my mind, all cabins have fireplaces). Alas, I live in a small 500 square foot apartment with a tiny fenced-in yard.

Charlie and I look forward to our many hikes because of this very reason. We have a few more days of waiting for the temps to warm up before we get back outside to breathe some fresh air and stretch our legs. In the meantime, Charlie is standing watch over our hiking gear... boots, backpack and leash. Good girl, Charlie.

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