Sunday, June 22, 2014

Backyard Watermelon

My container in front with the "good" pieces and Charlie's in back with the scraps.

Summertime is the BEST time to feed your dog watermelon! Not only is it in season, but you can feed it to them outside and contain the mess to the backyard.

The watermelon I got from the store yesterday turned out to be a tad "over-ripe" giving it that grainy texture that is not very appealing to me. The best thing to do in these situations is to cut off the best parts into a container for me and the rest goes into the doggie container!

Using a piece of rind as a dish, I transported some of Charlie's watermelon to the backyard and let her enjoy a noontime snack in the sun.

After eating up all the pre-cut pieces, she got to work nibbling the remaining watermelon off the rind. This kept her occupied for over half an hour and she got a healthy and fun snack too!


  1. Yum! I still can't get Freddie to recognize any fruit or vegetable as food. He'll play with the pieces that I give him ... but never swallow! Some of the raw food I feed him has 5% veggies, though, so I suspect he's getting whatever vitamins/minerals he might need from that source. I know some strict "rawbies" don't feed their dogs any veggies or fruit, but I guess I'm more in the dogs-are-mainly-but-not-exclusively-carnivores camp. Does Charlie like most fruits/veggies?

    1. I'm with you on not being too strictly "raw" in Charlie's diet. Everything I read/study tells me that dogs still need greens since they typically get these from their prey's intestines. And since Charlie really likes her fruits and veggies, I will continue feeding them to her... I guess if she sees me enjoying them, she thinks it must be pretty yummy!

  2. I'll have to see if my pups like watermelon. :-)

    1. I hope they do! Just remember, every dog is different and they all have different tastes (just like us) - if they don't like watermelon, maybe try some other dog-friendly fruits. :) Thanks for commenting!
