Saturday, February 23, 2019

An Exercise Project

Jake and Bella

On a recent visit to my sister's house, I noticed their dog Bella had gotten a bit overweight in recent months. Winter can do this. It's often hard to get outside when the temps are so cold or the snow is too deep. But I also noticed that my niece was slightly pestering her mom about getting more of an allowance.

Long tongues from lots of playtime!

So on my drive home, I put the pieces together and decided to offer an allowance proposal to my niece when I got home.

The terms: I would pay her $5.00 for every 30-minute walk she took with Bella up to $20 per week. She'd need to download a dog-walking app similar to the one I use to track my hikes with the dogs to show proof of the walk (mileage, time walked and the date) and send me a screen shot of the completed app results as well as a picture of Bella on the walk.

We've just finished up Week 2 of the project, and so far it's been a pretty good success! My sister reports that Bella is much calmer in the house now that she's getting a few walks each week and my niece is happy with the extra allowance. Plus I get to have more communication with my niece via the texts about their walks so we can stay in touch better.

I'll be happy to see if Bella has lost any weight the next time I'm down for a visit. I guess it's a win-win for everyone.

Beautiful Bella

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